Club News

Watch: Rob on Gillingham triumph

Town boss Rob Edwards speaks to our cameras after the 3-2 win over Gillingham secured a place in the third round of the Carabao Cup.

"I'm very happy tonight with what I saw," said the boss. "Tonight we could only win by winning. The expectancy was on us to win and we did.

"I've been stressing that to the players all week. It was always going to be tricky. Gillingham have started well in the league and came here with the freedom.

"I was pleased with the start we made and we scored two great goals. We ended the first half in complete control and it should have been more.

"They pegged us back at 2-1, which certainly lifted them for a spell; we had to weather a storm and stand up to that. The third goal settled us but it got nervy again towards the end but overall I was pleased."

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